
Saturday, July 24, 2010

5 Reasons Why and How Public Relations Impacts Non-Profit Revenue Generation

Bookmark and ShareToo often, non-profit organizations and associations relegate public relations to the "nice to have" category without focusing on it's direct impact on fundraising, membership engagement, sponsorship campaigns, and revenue generation. In this video, Mark Buzan explains 5 reasons Why & How Public Relations Impacts Non-Profit Revenue Generation.

In brief, it breaks down to 5 issues:

  1. Donor and member communications - your supporters need to hear from you and you need to hear from them!
  2. What's your brand value if you're not communicating?
  3. Are you singing your organization's praises? Public relations and communicating regularly with good strategy puts the "gas" behind your call to action.
  4. Good public relations strategy builds good partnerships for revenue generation possibilities
  5. Good public relations strategy integrates your calls to action into all your points of contact where you ask for support. In the end, this magnifies and multiplies your message and chances fo more funding!
What are your thoughts?
Mark A. Buzan, APR
Principal &; Chief Magnifying Officer
Action Strategies
#3, 270 rue Champlain
Gatineau, Quebec J8X 3S1
819.770.2899 phone

LinkedIn Group for Public Relations: http://tinyurl.com/nonprofitideas
LinkedIn Group for Government Relations: http://tinyurl.com/nonprofitlobbying

Please take a look at my just released book: Online PR and Social Media for Associations and Not-for-Profits -http://www.onlineprsocialmedia.com/associations