
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Canadian Subsidy Guides

One of the key features of interest to many non-profits, municipalities and associations with whom I have worked has been "Where and how can I get money from the government?"

Just with any lobbying effort, the challenges in this regard can be as steep as any GR effort. In fact, long gone are the days when provincial and federal governments were the cash cows of the 1980's. Nonetheless, there are tools out there that can help a municipality or non-profit move one step further to getting government assistance. One such tool I have come accross is the Canada Subsidy Guide (http://www.canadabooks.net/).

This guide and the many others I have used in the past have been enormously helpful. That being said, don't count on these books alone as your means to finding help. Once you've identified a source, there's no guarantee you'll get it. You will still need to develop your government networking skills to make it happen!

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